Sunday 7 June 2009


Not much new really......

Tamika's dance group at school was accepted into the school festival so we have had rehearsals for that last Friday (i had to do my first ever braid in her hair, will beg for help for the actual concert). Tamika has reached the highest levels in her spelling and maths groups, something she has strived to do which we are proud of.

Jared is killing Kindergarten, and went from reading level 2, to 5 in one test. Also very proud of him. He also does extremely well at maths, so I'm told ( i haven't been a part of his group the last few weeks).

Tahlia, well she just keeps on trying to keep up with the older 2 and does a good job at that. Her talking is still amazing and her sentence of the week is "Jared did it" or "Jared's annoying me".

As for me, this is the last week of me doing 5-6 shifts a week and I'm really looking forward to some normality again. I know 30hrs is perfect for me, anything extra just puts a strain on me and the family. This week i will do about 44 hrs, way too much! Bring on next week :)