Wednesday 22 August 2007

My WW challenges

I was pretty happy with myself for completing the 3 challenges at Blumars, what with work and sick kids. Tamika when she had her ears pierced. It was a sketch challenge and there is hand written journelling under the smaller photo.

This was also a card sketch challenge.

These are a monochromatic set of coasters and box that i made for a fathers day stall at school.

Sunday 19 August 2007

Ear problems strike the house again.

Jared the poor thing has one raging ear problem, his ear is literally dripping gunk continuously. No temperatures or other symptoms, so i'll take him to the dr first thing tomorrow. We have certainly had our share of ear problems, but never seen it this bad. He is handling it very well, totally himself, just says his ear hurts.

Tahlia also has excess stuff coming out of one ear. She had some raging temps earlier in the week, but is fine now. So she'll be checked by the Dr too. She seems herself, just not being the gluten of an eater that she normally is.

Cruised through my second shift today. I was a lot more relaxed and didn't worry about the kids at all :) As for work, geez i really love to have some extra time time to get stuck into sorting the place out again. I'll get there as i do more shifts, but it's frustrating to work in.

Friday 17 August 2007

I'm obsessed...

with not wasting things. I had a couple of bits and pieces left over from Cj's and was determined to use up the lovely paper. I can say now, what was left over wasn't even worth the kids box :) Now i have some cards ready for that personal touch, like a chip board name on the front.

This also gave me an idea for the OTP challenge at Blumars.

Monday 13 August 2007

These are the things that get me

This is what Tamika bought home from school after one of her 'seasons for growth' courses. I literally burst into tears. Poor Tamika didn't understand, but i explained.

Sunday 12 August 2007

everyone survived....

Today has been perfectly successful. I had these horrible thoughts of Tahlia whining for me, something that just breaks my heart, but NO, she survived wonderfully for 51/2 hrs!!!!! Go Dad, you champion!

Work was great, just as i expected and it was great catching up with everyone. BUT, yes i worried about the kids for the first time ever. Normally i go to work and forget all home stuff for the time i'm there. All day i was thinking about Tahlia and how everyone was going. Also realised this is the first time i am returning to work as a mum of 3.

Saturday 11 August 2007

Tahlia is 9 months today

So yay now she can have small amounts of normal milk. I also love standing in the baby section at the shops and checking out the cereals she can now have too. Lol, it's the small things in life hey!

Tahlia is going good, still a needy child, but i have just accepted that now, rather than thinking tomorrow will be a good day, we just work around it. She still has no interest or better still, hates being on her tummy, so definitely no crawling yet. She eats all her solids really well now and i have cut out her bedtime BF as it was just causing us both grief with her waking up with wind a couple of hours later. I still feed her once over night to make up for it.
Oh and she popped her first tooth last week :)
I'm back to work tomorrow, should be interesting to see how Dad goes with the three of them. Wish us all luck.

Saturday 4 August 2007

My kids create the moment of the day, AGAIN!

We had a birthday party to go to at the miniature trains not far from here. The line up to get onto a train was about half hour, so party plan was to feed kids and get that done, then they could all go and line up for the trains. Well this was too boring for my two and they started throwing sticks onto the tracks. After a huge berating from both Ian and i, we thought it was over. Nope half hour later a train has derailed and Ian is dragging Tamika and Jared over by their ear lobes, almost.

At first i thought it wasn't Mikes and Jared as Ian wasn't going off his brain at them, but soon realised that he was being diplomatic and not letting the 100+ kids and their parents know that it was actually our children stopping the train that everyone was waiting for.

Also, the day didn't start without an original hitch. As leaving party No 1 at 11am, another parent informs us you need fully enclosed shoes to ride the trains. So only originally thinking of Jared, i rush into warehouse shoe store, which i find out is warehouse for everything very expensive, and finally find a pair of Dunlop volleys for $30, and that was cheap. THEN, get to the car and realise Tamika is in sandals. At this time I'm seeing RED! So another $30 later, this day is already way too expensive!!!

My SS for Christmas in July

This is what i made for the lovely Maria at Blumars.
It's a little fold out note book and i sent some funky chipboard letters as my gift. Considering i was worthy of a phone call, i think she liked it :)
This is what it was originally.

Wednesday 1 August 2007


I have been convinced to put Miss Tahlia into a baby competition, so I'd love any extra votes. Mmmm the big prize looks very nice!! You can vote every day if you love me enough :)

Thanks for any help!