Sunday 30 September 2007

Family update

Tahlia saw the Dr 4 days ago and both her ears are still infected and full of fluid, Dr wanted to ride it out a bit, especially as she was OK generally speaking, (mild temps and sleeping OK at night). After 3 doses of AB's, i also didn't want her to have more of the same. So now 10 days off AB's, then going down hill again, i think she may be slightly improving. I have ANOTHER check up Thur. (no i don't get bulk billed and I'm brokER)

Jared has turned back into his naughty self, had about 4wks of this nice boy here in my house but he ran away again. Never know what to do with this boy, but we'll get there! Love him to bits but just never know how to keep him nice.

Tamika is on holidays and I'm looking forward to it. It's so nice having a big kid around, one that cares and listens:)

Have two big weekends of work coming up, i know I'll love every moment of it, but i also know it will knock me around. Tahlia is going great with Ian on the weekends, not so good though for my sis and girlfriend. Time will help...hopefully!

My challenges for this month....

at Blumars.

Only real happy with the OTP, which was suppose to be 9 2in x 2in wooden blockes decorated for a puzzle. As easy as it would have been for Ian to knock them up, his time is limited and this was a monthly challenge, lol! So as you do, rumaged around the house trying to find an alternative. What i came up with was two match boxes stuck together! I left the matches in, (prob not too safe in a fire, lol and should come with a flammable warning but....), but they were much more sturdy that way and great shaker boxes too :) I made these for my sis.

Saturday 29 September 2007

Kids craft

Thought it was about time i spent some time playing craft with the kids. So here are their for challenges at Blumars. First challenge was to decorate stars with glitter and tinsel. Tamika did the purple star (she tried so hard, it must have taken her half an hour to do the purple glitter glue) and the red ones, Jared the green.

This is a file/colouring book holder we cut down from a weetbix box.

This was heaps of fun and i'm all motivated to do lots more with them now:)

Wednesday 26 September 2007

I've been tagged

Here’s how it works:1. Players must list one fact, word, or tidbit that is somehow relevant to their life for each letter of their first or middle name.2. When you are tagged you need to write your own post containing your first or middle name game facts, word, or tidbit.3. At the end of your post choose one person for each letter of your name to tag.4. Don’t forget to leave a comment telling them that they have been tagged, and to read your blog.5. If I’ve tagged YOU (see below), please join in on the fun!

I~n need of some more sleep
A~t the end of my baby days
N~ot aggressive
N~eed a big night out:)
E~nergetic, well i pretend to be

Ok, i tag;
Skinny Steph
Carlie, (just to double nag:)

See this why i don't normally do the tag stuff. I'm not witty at all, and very boring.

Tuesday 25 September 2007

More stuff

This the Better Homes and Gardens Album i bought and altered for Dad. I always find it so much harder to do boy stuff and my dad is such a simple person. He said he liked it :)

Falling behind again with sick kids, having such a rotten season with all the winter lurgies. Tahlia back tomorrow for a check up and she's miserable as! There is definatly a chest infection, but can never tell with the ears.

Saturday 15 September 2007

Me and my best friend.....

Tahlia just loves playing in her room in front of the mirror. I didn't get to catch her slobbery acts of kindness this time, but she just loves playing with the girl in the mirror.

Give me five!!!
She is still on antibiotics with her last check up saying her ear drum has healed well, but her ear is still very red and infected. Back for another check up in just over a week. Still hoping (well my Dr is) that this is a one off infection (yeah right with my family history), and she doesn't have glue ear yet as everything is still so fresh so to speak.

Wednesday 12 September 2007

Blumars August challenges

I also did the coasters for the OTP challenge.

Monday 10 September 2007

just family stuff

Tahlia is going great after her ear episode, back to Dr's on Wed for check up. She is certainly starting to get into stuff now, mainly in her walker. Have to really get the house back into toddler world. I know i need to get over it, but i have got so use to having bigger kids in that sense, that it is frustrating. My beloved pp rack has had to be moved as she just beelined it, pulled off the cover and got into anything she could reach.

Jared's ears were great when i saw the Dr, major throat infection they tell me. New AB's now, but today he has come up with a horrible cough. It's the old 3 steps forward, 2 steps back atm. His behaviour has also taken a turn and he really has been a great a kid lately.

Tamika, as always cruises along. She is back in swimming lessons and learning freestyle and improving her kicking. She still loves her dancing, and is so utterly excited about her concert at the end of the year.

As for me, well once again Ian and the pro's were right. The councillor Ian and i both saw after Kalen died, Ian went back and saw couple of times. He was great, but one thing Ian went on about so much was this delayed grief thing as i was pregnant. He told me about it so many times and as usual i think i'm ok. Just lately i'm getting easily upset about Kalen, it really only takes a thought, and i'm all teary again. I'm ok, but am really starting to feel the raw pain again.

Tuesday 4 September 2007

well, well, well

From last kidlet update, both Tahlia and Jared ended are on antibiotics :( Things have been 100% perfect since, then this afternoon hit....

......just rushed Tahlia off to Dr's again, and we have one burst ear drum and one seriously infected other ear, chest infection and red throat. I am not kidding the little wonder was happy as anything all day, went off to sleep at 1.30, woke at 3pm, but not herself. Checked temp 37.8, gave panadol, checked temp 30mins later, 38.2, straight off to Dr for this little one. She only finished her course of AB on Sunday. Upped the dose slightly of AB's and must have another check in seven days. The Dr was pretty concerned about her ears.

I had a total melt down, couldn't stop crying for half an hour, and i'm not like that normally. Ian took her to the Dr's, as i just couldn't do it, he's such a champ. I am more comfortable knowing it's ears, at first i was panicking as she has absolutely no other symptoms (got big kids bathed early and dressed up warm in case we might be heading into hospital).

So Ian gets home with Tahlia, i realise all is semi ok, drops her off, and heads up to get her AB's and other drugs at the chemist. Jared complains about an itchy bottom, and on closer inspection is covered in some sort of huge raised lumpy rash all over his bottom and down his legs. I try and put on Dermaid being naive and directions say for itchiness, and he goes ballistic saying the cream makes it worse. So as Tahlia is screaming for each mouthful of food, i throw the shower on for Jared to jump in to get off the cream and give him a washer. That helped, he got back out of the shower, still these rash like welts all over him. All i could do at this stage was try and convince him not to scratch. Got him clean Pj's and he seemed to settle down. Ian gets home just as this has settled, and i show him straight away this intense rash Jared had, but would you believe, it had gone down to nothing more than a slight raised red rash, nothing like it was minutes ago. Very weird!!!!!

Night goes on, Tahlia eats everything plus for dinner, nothing stops her appetite obviously and I'm sure the drugs helped. Just as we are about to put Jarry to bed i feel him, and he's hot. Take temp 39.4. Panadol for him. He is comfortably asleep now, but he'll be off the Dr's tomorrow. I reakon it's his ear again, either way it has to be checked now.

I have a strong feeling, no it's not that, i will probably be seeing my ENT again.

So that's my afternoon!