Jared the poor thing has one raging ear problem, his ear is literally dripping gunk
continuously. No temperatures or other symptoms, so
i'll take him to the
dr first thing tomorrow. We have certainly had our share of ear problems, but never seen it this bad. He is handling it very well, totally himself, just says his ear hurts.
Tahlia also has excess stuff coming out of one ear. She had some raging temps earlier in the week, but is fine now. So she'll be checked by the Dr too. She seems herself, just not being the gluten of an eater that she normally is.
Cruised through my second shift today. I was a lot more relaxed and didn't worry about the kids at all :) As for work,
geez i really love to have some extra time time to get stuck into sorting the place out again. I'll get there as i do more shifts, but it's frustrating to work in.