Saturday 10 November 2007

Just a catch up

Tomorrow is the big 1st birthday for Tah's but her mental mother thought she could play supermum and still work all weekend. BIG REGRET! Anyways i got off work a bit earlier tonight and will finish at 2 tomorrow. We are having a BBQ here with hopefully lots of people. Did all the prep today, just the final bits left for tomorrow afternoon. Actually bought my first ever birthday cake though, so not totally stupid:)

On a more negative note, she is also back on AB's for another two ear infections. Day 3 tomorrow on the AB's, so hope to see her cheer up for the day.

Now a positive note, she is cruising around everywhere now, and i really believe it won't be that long till she is walking.

The bigger two are going well. Having a sleepover in Nanny's caravan tonight, so they are more than content. Mikes is still loving every part of Dancing and Nippers, and all the fun stuff is about to happen in dancing with the end of year concert coming up. Theatre rehearsals and dress rehearsals, and we also have her costume now too, very cute.

Have packed up all my craft stuff in prep for this weekend, so that part of my life is on hold again. One little brag though, won the LO challenge for the month at Blumars last month. I was really happy with the way it came together and now there is such lovely stuff being submitted, i was pretty happy.

ummm.......I'm sure there was more i wanted to share. I know it will come to me as soon as i turn off the puter.

1 comment:

Steph said...

T have you tried taking little missy to a chiro for her ears?

Happy birthday to our little princess