Tuesday, 4 December 2007

I did it...

Yesterday i went to my first funeral since Kalen's. I had every reason in the book to get out of it, but it was something i wanted to be part of, and the day wasn't about me. I took Little Miss with me, even though i could have left her home with Ian, as i needed an excuse if things did get too much. I cried, in fact lots, why do tissues seem to disintegrate when you really need them, but i did it. (i lost a friend from school, not real sure about the reasons, but it was sudden. Two children 4 and 6, she was one year younger than me, she also married another friend from school so it was very heart breaking)

I went with my sister, and although i hadn't mentioned anything it felt nice when she told me how well i did and she was running with me if i did have to leave.

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