Friday 21 March 2008

Everything is good

Just busy as always, hate to sound so commen.

Nippers (surf club training) is all finished accept for presentation night. Now soccar and dancing are in full swing, and i'm loving every moment of it. Jared scored 2 goals at his last game and both of us were very proud parents. His first game he was goalie, and he did a fine job at that too, saving 4 goals and l got in. Both games our team has won!!! Very cute.

As for me, just adjusting to my new work schedual of 30 hrs a week, all good so far.

1 comment:

Deeva Gal said...

Hey gorgeous! Love sneaking in to catch up on your blog. Since you have sooooooo much time on your hands LOL, you'll be pleased to know that i've tagged you! Check out my blog for the details
