Thursday 11 October 2007

Tahlia update

Last week went back for Tahlia's check up at the doctors and still no change. Chest infection and two infected ears. Dr suggested some oral steroids for three days, nothing changed. Good news on that front though as she probably hasn't got any real asthma problems. So she is now on another AB. She is happy enough and sleeping pretty good at night so i can't complain, i just wish for her sake she could be healthy again.

Thought it was about time too, to pop into the health clinic with Tahlia. Not much weight gain, but enough to keep them happy. They are a bit concerned about the strength in her legs so have been referred to a physio. Joy oh joy. Not too worried myself, i reakon she was just having a lazy moment.

Still no crawling although she has managed to get around a fair bit lately on her bottom. Moves over into a crawling position, but leaves one foot tucked in front for her sitting safety.

Loves impressing us with her clapping and is also waving now too, very cute. Lots of all the babbling and continually says 'dadda', typical hey! You can say mama to her and all you get back is dadda.

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