Saturday 2 February 2008

Decision made

Well it was pretty clear where i was heading, but just needed the back up support from those i love. So it's official, the Goldenchild starts preschool not this week but next and i start my extra shifts in March. This way she get's to have a gradual intro to preschool, and the first week or two she'll only go a couple of hours.

* I trust and am happy with the care Tahlia is going into. This is the fifth year i have have children in there.
* Tahlia needs more interaction without me involved, maybe one day she will actually let someone else hold her
* Money
* I am heaps more organised when i work, sounds weird, but i am. No time to put things off till tomorrow
* two full days with no one home, hence no one to make mess:)
* I love my job and it will be great to get back into it more. The more i am there, the easier my job is all round, if that makes sense.
* Dad gets to be more of a Dad ;)
* Already have some holiday hrs owing so it shouldn't be a problem getting the week off here and there that i need over the coming year.

* Less home time which means less craft time.
* No swimming lessons this year for Tahlia as i'll always have Jarry too.
* Coping while we go thru the 'adjusting' stage with Tahlia being left at preschool.
* Preschool illnesses :(

So positives definately outweigh the negatives.

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